Three Thousand-Year-Old Statue Found in Cappadocia, Turkey
On April 26, 2021, a Facebook user posted a picture of a “three-thousand-year-old statue unearthed in Cappadocia.” The post had a picture and some words, but no other information.

If a Facebook account was set to English by default, it would show two captions, one in Portuguese and one in English:
At Capadócia, a statue that is 3,000 years old was found.
On May 7, 2021, the picture was posted to Reddit’s r/Incredibly. The same picture and words were used, but there was nothing to back them up, just like the Facebook version:
Top commenters on the story were skeptical of the claim as it was given. They thought that the picture might have been changed so that reverse image searches wouldn’t show what the picture really showed:
“Cool… Do you want to write an article and send it in? Do you want to know anything else? Is there any evidence that this isn’t a bunch of nonsense? You can’t do a reverse search because Google gives you nothing and the image looks like it was turned slightly.
“Based on how good this number looks, I would say it is 100 percent fake before looking into it.” It looks too good for it to be that old. After looking into this claim without any proof and finding similar claims about bicycles and astronaut statues on old temples to be false, my first impression is that it is false. Even though it’s not very old, it’s still a cool statue.
The picture was widely shared, and it made people think of “ancient astronauts,” a theory that falls somewhere between speculation and pseudoscience (at least according to Wikipedia, where all conspiracy theories end up in the end):
“Ancient astronauts” (or “ancient aliens”) are people who believe that intelligent extraterrestrial beings visited Earth and made contact with humans in ancient and prehistoric times. It is sometimes shown in a way that is not based on science.
Proponents say that this meeting had an effect on the development of modern civilizations, technology, religions, and human biology. Most, if not all, of the gods in religions, are thought to have come from other planets, and early humans thought that the superior technology that ancient aliens brought to Earth was proof that they were gods.

Most academics don’t believe that ancient astronauts existed, and research that has been revised by their peers hasn’t found any proof that they did. When people who support an idea give evidence to back it up, it is sometimes wrong or made up. Erich von Daniken, Zecharia Sitchin, Robert K. G. Temple, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, and David Hatcher Childress are well-known proponents from the late 20th century who have written many books or are often in the news.
The 3,000-year-old Cappadocia monument was not at all shown on the page. Instead, there were many pictures of things that were said to be proof of “ancient astronauts.”
Google Image Search only showed a few results for the “ancient astronaut” in Cappadocia. Most of them led to tweets from late April or early May 2021. Google suggested “artifact” as a label and gave us 14 results; when we changed the text to “3000,” we found 18 variations:
Without a specific source for the claim, it was impossible to find out more about the image, and the image search engine TinEye came up with nothing. We found the earliest version by doing a reverse image search. It was posted on Facebook on April 24, 2021.
If not, the picture of a statue of an astronaut from 3000 years ago in Cappadocia was a dead end. We didn’t find any strange discoveries that matched what the post said, and as other people pointed out, the reverse image search only went back to late April 2021. We gave the claim a “Unknown” rating because there’s nothing to suggest that the image or explanation was even close to true or reliable. In fact, based on the number of shares, it seems likely that the answer was added to the image to (successfully) get more social media shares.
How did an astronaut get carved into the door of a church in Salamanca?
I don’t know if the most famous astronaut in the world has seen the entrance to Salamanca’s Catedral Nueva, but if he hasn’t, Commander Hadfield, you should get in your spaceship and go to Spain right now.
The Catedral Nueva, or “New Cathedral,” is not new, like many churches in European cities. It’s a building project that started in 1513 and was slowed down by many bad things, including the Lisbon earthquake of 1755. Chris Hadfield would love the stonework in the portico around one of the entrances, which has a sculpture of an astronaut among the stone leaves and flowers.

The astronaut is hovering above the heads of the people who have gathered under it. Stonemasons in the past knew that spacemen would one day come to Earth. The small figure is there because, in recent years, the carvings at the entrance had to be replaced. The stonemasons decided to put it there as a reminder of one of the most important things to happen to the church since it was built.
Even if you don’t know why the stone astronaut is there, it’s a fun surprise in a city that is a Unesco World Heritage site and has other surprises for first-time visitors.
The Main Square, which is enclosed, is Salamanca’s biggest and most charming surprise. It’s a masterpiece made of sandstone from the 18th century that seems to have stayed together, like the Place des Vosges in Paris. Students can rent the period flats above the shops and restaurants on the lower floors, and they do. Up until 150 years ago, they would have had an unsettlingly good view of the bullfights in the square below. To remember the event, a stone bull’s head still sticks out of one of the square’s doors.
A figure from 3000 years ago was found in Cappadocia, Turkey. Even a UFO is drawn on the face of the Ancient Alien. Antiques from Mexico and other things from all over the world.